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Finishing School

By Dan Cooper

Appriopriate wood finishes in an antique home.


Heating System Tune-ups

By Dan Cooper

We never think about our home heating systems until that first cold day in November, when we flick on the thermostat, only to find that the furnace doesn't fire up.


Stewarding your Older Home: Safety Matters

By Noelle Lord

Picture the weekend warrior. Jeans, flannel shirt, maybe a big tool belt with hammer in hand right?


Caring for Your Older Home: Avoiding Restoration Pitfalls

By Noelle Lord

Lack of time, resources and expertise usually lead to poor decision making where older buildings are concerned.

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FAQ: Considering Climate Control

By Noelle Lord

A buildings climate and environmental conditions are worth spending some time considering.


Those Who Came Before: Researching your Old House’s History

By Dan Cooper

Just what is involved in getting together a detailed report about the chain of title to your property, back to when the building was probably constructed, and data on the families and ancestors of past owners.


Old House Myths

By Dan Cooper

Three Old House myths that really scare the wooden siding right out of people or really scare people right into the vinyl siding.


When in Doubt, Ask First (before wielding that hammer)

By Richard Wilcox

Sometimes it's pointing, sometimes it's plumbing. And, if you're lucky, somtimes it's simply peeling paint.